Over the last few years I have become acquainted with a group of wonderful women and teachers who have introduced me to new topics on balancing my life. They have helped show me that you can hold grace and love in one hand while holding grief and pain in the other. Best of all they have shown me that doing so is completely ok. Another thing I have learned is you can choose a word for your year as a guide or mantra to refocus when you need it. In researching how to choose a word for the year, I also came across a link on how to pen your mission statement for the year which I found very interesting so I decided to give it a try.
In doing the soul searching for the statement I was asked what kind of person I wanted to be, and what words described that person. I was also asked what I wanted from my life and what my values were, and what I wanted to be remembered for?
Having stepped into my forties, I find that I ask myself these deeper questions more often anyway because I feel like I have less time to really make an impact or do what my makes my soul happy. So I found that I want to be a person known for being open and kind, that I wanted others to feel as though they mattered when I spent time with them. I want to be honest, kind, supporting and faithful. I also found that I want my days to be spent in meaningful pursuits that make me a better person, and let me create memories with those I love the most.
From this I have decided that my mission statement for 2016 is as follows:
I want to spend this upcoming year being faithful to myself, challenging myself to be kinder, calmer and to focus on bringing balance to my life. I want to proactively choose to look for and find the beauty and joy in each day, even when they day is ugly and painful.
From this I chose my word to be Harmony, because I am seeking to find harmony in my life.
I'd like to challenge you to take some time and do some soul searching about what you want to make happen in this new year while also being kind to yourself in the deciding. You don't have to move mountains this year, sometimes sifting grains of sand is more than enough. The goal is bring calm to your soul and help you refocus on what you need each day to make 2016 all you'd like it to be.
***For step by step instructions on writing your mission statement you can take a look at Kara Benz's blog here.
You can also read over Liz Lamoreux's pointers for choosing a word for your year here. I have thoroughly enjoyed her classes on how to be present in my daily life and encourage you to read over her blog and take one of her online classes when you can.
Happy New Year!