Monday, June 7, 2010

Quiet Moonlight

In the quiet moonlight, ripples form on the water reflecting its glow, spreading it out into a hundred different directions. Under the stars he sits drinking in the quiet calm; breathing in the peace afforded in the sound of the water and the stillness of the night…Peace be still.

Life in all its facets leaves us drained sometimes. Drained and empty in need of refreshing. In these moments we must take time to draw near to our Rock and draw strength from Him. For only in those moments will we find strength for the journey.

Too often we find ourselves stumbling forward in exhaustion trying in our own strength to carry the load, struggling to light our own beacon when if we'd pause, we'd find a hand waiting and a spark to rekindle the flame we were so ill-prepared to light ourselves.

In the quiet moments when our heart connects with another's in humanity; when we realize that we are not alone and that there are others who feel for us. When we see a hand of kindness that was unexpected in the coming; then and only then can we see God in us. In the quiet humanity that is inherently good in all of us; the hand to hold, the heart that sympathizes, and the shared experience that bonds us in fidelity. These are the things that give us hope in ourselves, while pointing to a greater power because in and of ourselves the good would be wasted or left undone.

Draw in the strength. Draw in the peace. The Savior is standing ready to catch you, to heal your wounds and grant you peace for the journey so that in the healing, you can continue the ripple that was begun in the water and thereby touch someone else.

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