Friday, October 4, 2013

In Appreciation of Living

So I am participating in an email "course" in finding the beauty, joys, and happy in the chaos of our days and the author had a blog that I thought I'd like to recreate from my view point.

The inspiration comes from Liz Lamoreeux at

So today, I have been learning about finding the happy, the quiet and the "yes" in my chaotic moments so here goes...

So this post isn't about the fact that sometimes my son is ungrateful and can be overly messy.

This is about the fact that he's only little once and the legos that land everywhere one day will be gone and his creative cries of "Momma look!" will be memories.

This post is also not about the fact that some days there are kid shows I have to watch and hear entirely too much, too loud and with terrible story lines that make me cringe, nor the history videos on that my son "quizes" me one like I'm supposed to be a fluent historian until my head hurts.  

Instead it is about the fact that my son loves to learn, that he has a witty sense of humor and is incredibly witty.  That he makes me laugh, and shares secrets and still loves to cuddle.  That sometimes, I am still the cool mom, and not the incredibly stupid "mother" who should know better. :)

This post is not about the dogs and how much they make messes, especially when I don't have time to deal with them.  How the little pup I rescued while having a mid-life, unrequited baby ache, ate half the house and still makes me question my sanity.  It is not about how much trouble he has been, but how cute he is.  How sweet he is and how smart (sometimes too smart) he is.  That he is dedicated to me and gives the most delicate kisses, even though he sheds all over the couch.

So today is a day of embracing the sweetness, and "choosing" to look at the good things and not getting caught up in the stress of everything I see as wrong, crazy and frustrating some days.